Sun Valley Heights has a commanding view of Metro Manila and its environs. Build your own home in a community overlooking beautiful landscapes of Sun Valley Golf and wide open spaces with trees and abundant flora. Laguna de bay and the water falls within Sun Valley Estates are an additional relaxing vista offered by this packet development of Sun Valley Estates. Sun Valley Heights has a commanding view of Metro Manila and its environs. Come home to Sun Valley!
300sqm - 600sqm
Lot Prices:
- PhP 7,500/sqm - Regular lots
- PhP 8,000/sqm - PhP10,000.00 - Premium lots (depending on location)
Payment terms:
CASH PAYMENT, 20% Discount based on Total Contract Price
20% Outright down payment, 10% discountn based on DP
20% down payment, 6 equql monthly installments at ZERO interest
80% Balance, 5years to pay at ZERO interest.
For inquiries and free tripping, feel free to contact;
Jim Ordoñez 09058676404 / 3593873 /
Mia Padua 09995522818 /8718355 /